
On this page, you can find out what exciting events the HSCIA has planned! Check back here for times and locations of these events. We will also post events from other Soil and Crop associations as well as through OSCIA.

2024 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

When: January 16th 2023

Time: 9 am

Location: Country Heritage Park, Gambrel barn


Join us on January 16th for the AGM! Coffee and registration begins at 9 am. There will be various updates on the organization throughout the day with the featured speaker Jason Devereau speaking on drones and their increasing use in Agriculture. As well as our conclusion on the Nitrogen discussions we have been having over the last year. 


Lunch will be served at noon at a cost of $20.


Pre-register for your membership by clicking the link below or paying at the door!

2023 Summer Meeting

HSCIA presents

Nitrogen Management, continued


Date: Tuesday, August 29th 2023 (Rescheduled due to weather)

Location: Lance Pococks farm 3269 Dundas St W., Highway 5, Palermo


6-6.30 - BBQ,  sweet corn

6.30- Plot tour,  Greg Kitching, initial thoughts on the HSCIA PurYield Plot, results to date, drone demonstration

7-8:15 Speakers

  • Dean Shantz, Agrico
  • Mark Janiec, Terrapure
  • Ken Martin, Cropping Manager for Veldale Farms
  • Peter Lambrick
  • Holmes Agro


8:15-8:30, Dessert/coffee, Questions.


We hope you can attend.

Please RSVP by August 10th. To Barb Parker, 519-856-9255, or

No cost for members, $10.00 for non members.


Memberships available.

2023 Spring Meeting

HSCIA Spring Meeting 

Maximizing Your Fertilizer Efficiency and Returns  


Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Time:  6 - 8:30 pm 

Place: Gambrel Barn, Country Heritage Park, 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton

Agenda: 6 pm – Supper:  pulled pork, coleslaw, dessert, beverages


Cost $10 for non-members

*memberships can be purchased at the event or by visiting the membership tab  



  • Jeff Holmes, Holmes Agro-Understanding the positives of the 4R Program from the prespective of a fertilizer retailer, and how they support their customers in their agromoic decision making
  • Dave Currie, Agrico- Focus on nitrogen fertilizer, and some ideas towards nitrogen management as it relates to On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), N- stabilizers and their fit in loss reduction. He will also disscus Agrico's St. Thomas plant and its downstream products.
  • Nancy Van Sas, OSCIA- Updates on Cost-Share Opportunities and the new Greenbelt Golden Horseshoe Soil Health Benchmarking Program. 


RSVP by April 20, to Barb Parker at  For more information, contact Barb Parker 519-856-9255 or

Peter Lambrick 905-854-9957


OSCIA has approved our spring meeting as a Knowledge Sharing Event (KSE) for the On-Farm Climate Action Fund. This may be a needed value add for members that have or wish to apply to the OFCAF program under the nitrogen management category. We encourage potential or lapsed members to participate. 


2023 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

When: January 17th 2023

Time: 10:30 am

Location: Country Heritage Park, Niagara Room, Main building upstairs


Join us in person on January 17th for the agm! Coffee and registration begins at 10:30 am with the meeting commencing at 11. There will be various updates on the organization throughout the day with the featured speaker Ian McDonald speaking in the afternoon about compaction and other issues to consider.


Lunch will be served at noon. We look forward to seeing everyone again in person!

2022 HSCIA Fall Meeting

When: Sept 8th 2022

Time: 6 pm

Location: 2485 Conservation Rd


Come join us for a BBQ and to learn about organic grains and their uses. Melissa from 1847 Flours in Fergus will be joining us as a guest speaker. 


Looking forward to seeing everyone!

2022 HSCIA Spring Meeting

When: April 13th 2022

Time: 6 pm

Location: Woodrill Farms, 7861 Hwy 7



Join us to learn about Bayers Climate Fieldview, a program that helps you collect, store and visualize your crop data to better measure decisions on crop management. Dan Breckon and Caleb Niemeyer are also hoping to cover mapping of soil types and recommendations arising from those maps. As well as the most recent changes in precision planting technology. Dinner will be provided! 


Please RSVP to if you plan to attend


If you can't attend in person a zoom link can be provided for you



2022 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

Join us on February 1st 2022 for the HSCIA virtual Annual General Meeting. 

Time: 1-2:30 pm

Guest speaker Greg Stewart

Topic: Tar spot and its mitigation


More details and zoom link to follow via email


2021 Fall Meeting

Join us on Tuesday September 21, 2021 for a hay dryer tour, producer panel and barbeque.


Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Halton Region Webinar

Webinar: Preparing to reopen your agri-business or agri-tourism business in Halton

Date: June 3, 2020

Time: 11 am-noon


This webinar is intended to provide customer-facing agri-business and agri-tourism businesses in Halton with important information about reopening effectively and protecting the health and safety of customers and staff.


Attendees will hear from government represnetatives and health and safety professionals including:

·       OMAFRA, Halton representative

·       Regional Coordinator, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services


·       Anna DeMarchi-Meyers, Agricultural Liaison Officer, Halton Region


·       Question and answer session (questions to be submitted in advance 


2020 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

2019 Summer Bus Tour

Join us on our summer bus tour! We will spend the morning listening to speakers discussing soil health. In the afternoon we will tour local farms focusing on the 5 principles of soil health:

  • Keep it covered
  • Minimize disturbance
  • Plant diversity
  • Continuous living roots
  • Integration of livestock

Halton Region Agricultural Forum

Halton Region Agricultural Forum "A Sustainable Future"

The 7th Annual Agricultural Forum explores new research and agri-tech that is helping reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment for future generations.


This event is free


Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019

Time: 7–9 p.m.

Location: Country Heritage Park (Puslinch Town Hall)

Address: 8560 Tremaine Rd., Milton


For more information and to register online go to


2019 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

Halton Compaction Demo

Halton compaction demo will be held on August 24 2018 at the Halton Plowing match (Jeff Williamson's farm, 10189 Fifth Line Halton Hills). The Plowing Match officially starts at 10 am and the Compaction Demo starts after lunch at 1:30 pm.


The Ontario Soil Compaction Team (Ian McDonald and Alex Barrie) will be running the Compaction Demo and showing us compaction in action on Halton soils! The purpose of the Compaction Demo is to give a firsthand experience regarding the impact that equipment traffic has on soil. A selection of farm equipment will be driven over compaction sensors installed at various depths in the ground. The sensors will give us a live readout of the magnitude and extent of disturbance as the farm equipment drives across the field.


Come out to see 

  • A presentation on the preliminary results of our Halton Soil Compaction Project
  • Water infiltration demos on the soil samples taken from compacted and non-compacted sections of local fields and testing the water for nutrient runoff
  • Soil penetrometers to demonstrate the force needed for roots to penetrate through compacted soil and we'll be getting down and dirty digging up roots to show compaction effects.
  • Nancy Van Sas will be out to give us an update on current OSCIA projects and funding.

Hope to see you there!

Halton Plowing Match & Conservation Tillage

Come out to the 2018 Halton Plowing Match & Conservation Tillage on Friday August 24, 2018 at the lands of the Williamson Family! There will be a 50/50 draw, lunch by Angies Kitchen and awards. Come out and meet the Queen of the Furrow, local politicians and sponsors of the event. The event always has a great turnout and is always a lot of fun! We hope to see you there! 


For more information, please call:

Peel Soil and Crop Bus Tour

Peel Soil and Crop is having a bus tour on Thursday April 12th and would like to invite Halton Soil and Crop members to attend. They can take about 15 more people, and would be willing to stop at the 401 and Guelph Line to pick up people.



DATE: THURSDAY APRIL 12TH- Leaving Brampton Fairgrounds at 8am SHARP---Arrive back No later than 5PM

 1st stop 9:30am – Alpine Plant Foods-- Fertilizer Plant- New Hamburg

 2nd stop 11:00am- Jameston Holsteins- The Johnston Family formerly of Bolton—New Dundee

LUNCH  NOON- Catered by Village Edge Caterer New Dundee--- Sandwiches, soup and pie.

3rd Stop  2:00pm- Dunlea Farms- Large hay exporters with two new Hay Dryers—Jerseyville, ON

$30/ person


Please RSVP Abbie Brander at by Tuesday April 10th

Halton Region Agricultural Forum

Halton Region Agricultural Forum “Agriculture and Food: Driving Growth and Innovation”

The sixth annual Agricultural Forum will focus on initiatives that will help local farms and food  businesses drive growth and innovation in the agriculture and food sector.


This event is FREE.


Date: Thursday, April 12, 2018

Time: 7–9 p.m.

Location: Country Heritage Park (Puslinch Town Hall)

Address: 8560 Tremaine Rd., Milton


For more information and to register online go to

2018 HSCIA Annual General Meeting

2017 Cover Crop Twilight Tour

Join us at the farms of Bill Allison for our annual Twilight Tour! This year, we will be expanding on last year's topic of cover crops. 

2017 Halton Plowing Match

Come out to the lands of the Ellis Family on Friday, August 25th for the 2017 Halton Plowing Match! This event has been going on since 1891. There will be lots of great competition, a tasty lunch and hands-on farm machinery demonstrations. The fun starts at 10:00 a.m.! 

Summer Bus Tour 2017

Halton Soil and Crop Improvement Association is having a Summer Bus Tour on Wednesday June 21st.


Jump on the bus at Country Heritage Park at 9 am, sit back and enjoy the ride as we tour to AIM Environmental’s Guelph Composting Facility to learn about their organic amendments, followed by a stop at Dixen’s Distilled Spirits to learn about and sample their handcrafted local spirits (for those of legal drinking age)! Lunch will be generously provided by AIM Environmental, and the bus will arrive back at Country Heritage Park for 4:30 pm drop off.

This is a FREE event for HSCIA members and $10 for non-HSCIA members. 


Don’t miss out on this fantastic event - space is limited!

Please RSVP to Jen via

email: or

phone: 905-691-0593.

FarmSmart Municipal Biosolids Beneficial Use Education Day

This seminar is for municipalities, consultants, farmers, agribusiness and anyone else interested in the state of biosolids beneficial use and the growing demand for the materials in agriculture.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Country Heritage Park,

8560 Tremaine Road, Milton ON L9T 2X3


$110 for Soil & Crop Members (regularly $150)


Register at: